TTMD (TOTEM MADE) is a collaborative initiative working to promote environmental conservation and empowering others to create lasting global change.
We create eco-minded products as sustainably as possible and donate 10% of every item sold to fund ecological conservation through organizations we work with.
The company was founded by three college students who wanted to address many of the issues currently facing the environment and the world around us. We come from a background of social justice, humanitarianism and conservation and continue to work towards positive change in our local communities. Our company was born when we wanted to find ways of involving others and inspiring local solutions for global problems.
TTMD is heavily inspired by our love of the outdoors. The products we create and source are inspired by our Colorado lifestyle. Through continual research and collaboration we make products that we think you might like as much as we do.
A portion of your purchases will go directly toward aiding in various conservation efforts, and you can rest assured knowing your product is made as sustainably as possible.